Investing for Teens: A Guide to Bloom Investing and Top Investing Apps

Investing is a crucial financial skill that can set the stage for a secure and prosperous future. While it may seem like something reserved for adults, teenagers can also benefit significantly from starting to invest early. In this guide, we will explore the concept of investing for teens, focusing on the innovative Bloom Investing platform and other top investing apps that make it accessible to the younger generation.

Why Should Teens Consider Investing?

Before we delve into the specifics of investing for teenagers, let’s understand why it’s essential for this age group. Here are some compelling reasons:

1. Financial Literacy and Education:

Investing provides a practical way for teenagers to learn about finance, economics, and the stock market. This early exposure can help them become financially literate adults, making informed decisions about money.

2. Wealth Building:

Investing allows teens to grow their wealth over time. Even small contributions can accumulate substantially thanks to the power of compounding, which means that your money earns interest on its interest.

3. Long-Term Goals:

Investing encourages teens to set and work towards long-term financial goals. Whether it’s saving for college, a car, or retirement, investing can help them achieve these objectives more efficiently.

4. Ownership and Responsibility:

Investing instills a sense of ownership and responsibility in teenagers. They become shareholders in companies, which can foster a deeper understanding of the business world.

Bloom Investing for Teens

Bloom Investing is a revolutionary investment platform designed with teenagers in mind. It simplifies the investing process, making it accessible, educational, and fun. Here’s why Bloom Investing stands out:

1. Educational Content:

Bloom Investing offers a wealth of educational materials tailored to teenagers. They can learn about different investment strategies, risk management, and financial concepts in an engaging way.

2. Fractional Shares:

Teens can invest in their favorite companies without needing to buy whole shares. This is particularly beneficial for high-priced stocks like Amazon or Tesla, where owning a full share might not be feasible for a teenager’s budget.

3. Parental Involvement:

Bloom Investing recognizes the importance of parental oversight. Parents can set up custodial accounts for their teens, monitor their activity, and guide them through the investing process.

4. Low Minimum Investment:

Teens can start investing with a minimal initial investment, making it accessible to those with limited funds.

5. Security and Compliance:

Bloom Investing takes security seriously, ensuring that both the platform and its users’ data are protected. It complies with all relevant regulations, providing peace of mind to parents and teenagers alike.

Top Investing Apps for Teens

Apart from Bloom Investing, several other investment apps cater to teenagers. Here are a few worth considering:

1. Acorns:

Acorns is an app that rounds up your everyday purchases to the nearest dollar and invests the spare change. It’s a simple way for teens to start investing without even noticing.

2. Robinhood:

Robinhood offers commission-free trading and a user-friendly interface. It’s an excellent platform for teens interested in buying individual stocks or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

3. Stash:

Stash is an app that helps teens invest in ETFs and individual stocks based on their interests and beliefs. It provides a customizable and educational investing experience.

4. Stockpile:

Stockpile allows teenagers to buy and own fractional shares of stock in their favorite companies. It’s an ideal app for learning about stock ownership.


E*TRADE offers a comprehensive investing platform with educational resources and tools for teens looking to take a more hands-on approach to investing.

Diversification: The Key to Reducing Risk

1. Understanding Diversification:

Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing that teenagers should grasp early on. It involves spreading investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, as well as various industries and geographic regions. The goal is to reduce risk by not putting all your eggs in one basket.

2. Building a Diverse Portfolio:

Teens should aim to create a diversified investment portfolio. For example, alongside investing in individual stocks, they can consider low-cost index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that provide exposure to a wide range of assets. Diversification can help protect their investments from the volatility of individual stocks.

3. Rebalancing Your Portfolio:

Over time, the performance of different investments in a portfolio may vary. To maintain diversification, teens should periodically rebalance their portfolio by selling some of the assets that have performed well and buying more of those that have underperformed. This strategy helps maintain the desired risk level.

Risk Management: A Crucial Element of Investing

1. Understanding Risk:

Investing always carries some level of risk, and teenagers need to comprehend this concept. They should know that the potential for higher returns often comes with higher risk. Stocks, for instance, can be more volatile than bonds, but they also tend to offer greater long-term growth potential.

2. Assessing Risk Tolerance:

Teens should assess their risk tolerance, which is their willingness and ability to withstand fluctuations in the value of their investments. A risk tolerance questionnaire can help determine whether they are comfortable with a conservative, moderate, or aggressive investment approach.

3. The Importance of Patience:

Teens should learn that investing is a long-term endeavor. Market ups and downs are part of the journey, but historically, the market has tended to grow over time. Encourage them to stay focused on their long-term goals and not make impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.

Setting Financial Goals: A Roadmap to Success

1. Defining Financial Goals:

Investing without clear goals is like setting out on a journey without a destination. Teens should define their financial objectives, whether it’s saving for college, a dream vacation, or retirement. Having specific goals will give their investment strategy purpose and direction.

2. Creating a Budget:

To fund their investments, teens should establish a budget. They can allocate a portion of their earnings or allowances to investments while covering their everyday expenses. This budgeting practice teaches financial discipline.

3. Regularly Reviewing Progress:

Teens should periodically review their investments and assess whether they are on track to meet their financial goals. If necessary, they can adjust their investment strategy or contributions to stay aligned with their objectives.

In conclusion, investing for teenagers is a valuable endeavor that can set them on the path to financial success. Bloom Investing and other top investing apps make it easier than ever for teens to get started on their investment journey. By educating themselves, setting goals, and making informed investment decisions, teenagers can begin building wealth and securing their financial future from a young age. Encouraging financial responsibility and literacy at this stage can have lifelong benefits. So, why wait? Start investing today and reap the rewards tomorrow.